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What Not to Do Before First Time Skydiving
We are stoked you landed on this page! Our whole intent is to help you set up for success making a tandem skydive! Many people research what TO DO, but let's take a peak of the top 4 things NOT TO DO before you go tandem skydiving. Drink Too Much Oh, we get it! You're...

What To Know About Skydiving
Skydiving isn't on everyone's bucket list and for some, they only know what they may have seen scrolling on social media. It seems pretty straight forward - skydiving is jumping from a plane with a parachute and landing back at earth, right? Well, in short, yes... but...

Skydiving and Your Health: What You Need to Know
Skydiving isn't a very physical sport, it's more mental than anything. However, it is a high adrenaline sport that pumps the heart, makes your palms sweat and challenges the mental state. Therefore, being in good physical condition is important. But what does that...

Can I Skydive With…?
Skydiving is an extreme sport that welcomes enthusiasts a real world experience with tandem skydiving. Being introduced to this unfamiliar world brings a lot of valid questions. Here, we answer the top 5 'Can I Skydive With...' questions from health to bringing other...

Why Choose Skydive Shenandoah
Ok, we're biased. Of course, we want you to choose to skydive with us. But hear us out on the top 4 reasons to skydive with us here at Skydive Shenandoah! STUNNING VIEWS There is no doubt about it - northern Virginia is filled with lush forests, rolling hills, and...

Is Skydiving For Me?
Just the word 'skydiving' will get your blood pumping and heart throbbing. Jumping out of an airplane is definitely not everyone's cup of tea and we get it! Skydiving isn't for everyone. So... who is it for? BUCKET LIST FULFILLERS So many are just looking for that ole...

Top 5 Most Asked Questions for First Time Skydiving
It's the world of the unknown - the planes, the mysterious equipment (jokingly called the magic backpack), the noises, the training, the lingo.... there's so much to know! We're here to help unveil some of the unknowns as you venture into this wonderful world of...

Skydiving Prices at Skydive Shenandoah
We're excited to welcome you this awesome community and sport of skydiving! One of the most commonly asked questions is the cost of skydiving. In this article we'll detail the pricing at Skydive Shenandoah in Virginia. The first time skydiving pricing table includes a...

What is Tandem Skydiving?
TLDR: Tandem skydiving is the most popular way to be introduced to the world of skydiving. You are harnessed to an experienced, rated instructor who then freefalls together and flies the parachute to landing. Tandem Skydiving is truly has become the gateway into the...

Skydiving: The Epic Adventure
There are just over 40,000 members of the United States Parachute Association (the national organization for skydiving). In 2022, the organization reported that there were nearly 4 million skydives made at 208 affiliated skydiving centers across the country. So...
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